Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2024)                   J Res Dent Maxillofac Sci 2024, 9(2): 129-131 | Back to browse issues page

Ethics code: oral & maxillofacial surgery
Clinical trials code: na

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Rapriya A, Kumar J. A Large Size Sialolith in the Wharton's Duct: A Rare Case Report. J Res Dent Maxillofac Sci 2024; 9 (2) :129-131
URL: http://jrdms.dentaliau.ac.ir/article-1-530-en.html
1- Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram 122505, Haryana, India. , rapriyaaditi3006@gmail.com
2- Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram 122505, Haryana, India.
Abstract:   (382 Views)
Background and Aim: Sialolithiasis is the second most frequent salivary gland disorder. However, giant submandibular sialoliths are uncommon. Herein, a case of an almond-shaped giant sialolith in the left submandibular duct measuring 3 cm x 2 cm is reported.
Case Presentation: A patient was presented complaining of pain, difficult chewing, and swelling of the floor of the mouth with purulent intraoral discharge. The ipsilateral submandibular gland was tender and enlarged, resulting in acute neck swelling. Submandibular sialolithiasis of the left Wharton’s duct was primarily diagnosed. After blood testing and imaging, the sialolith was surgically removed in toto via an intraoral approach under local anesthesia. The symptoms receded postoperatively.
Conclusion: Sialoliths must be suspected in patients complaining of submandibular and facial pain. A careful history must be taken and imaging should be performed to confirm the diagnosis and precisely locate the calcifications.

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Type of Study: Case report | Subject: Oral & maxillofacial surgery

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